The colour flow analysis is the second step in the Style and Colour Consultation.

The concept of 12 colour flow groups is used when doing the colour flow analysis, and not only 4 colour flow groups which makes the colour analysis a more detailed, defined and accurate process.

A colour flow analysis is a method used to determine the colours of clothing and makeup that is in harmony with someone’s complexion, eye colour and hair colour. Colour analysis is a very helpful tool when doing wardrobe planning. Certain colour shades are more flattering whilst others have the opposite effect.

Not only will a client know what colours compliment them the best, but they will also learn which hair, make-up and jewellery colours suit them.

A client will also learn which prints and patterns compliment their features best.

More about our Services

Where would someone make use of this service?

A one-on-one consultation or an online consultation can be arranged in the comfort of
your own home.

Why is this service useful or better than its competitors?

The one of a kind Appearance Specialist App, developed by SA Image Academy, is included in the consultation and conveniently installed on the client’s mobile device. When all the information gained from the style and colour consultation has been entered on the APPearance Specialist app, the app retains the information.

The client can then easily and at any time log in to the app and access all their personalised information. This will assist the client in making their shopping experience more efficient and an adventurous pleasure!

When should someone use this service?

  • When going through life changes
  • When desiring to have a new look
  • When applying for a new job
  • When not knowing what to wear, how to wear it or what to purchase
  • When feeling stuck and becoming bored with the clothes in their cupboard
  • Or simply to know and understand what style and colours will be complimentary

How does the service work?

After booking a style and colour consultation, the client will receive a client information form that must be completed and returned before the consultation. This information will provide a clear indication of the client’s needs and goals. The client will also receive an invoice that must be paid in advance.

On the day of the consultation:

  • During the first 30 minutes of the consultation, the needs and goals based on the client information form are discussed.
  • Body measurements are taken and recorded.
  • Face shape is determined.
  • An in-depth colour flow analysis will be done.
  • The use of the Appearance Specialist App will be installed and explained.
  • A plan of action and the journey forward is discussed.

Services and Costs

R 2 700 p/p

Style and Colour Consultation
(3 hours)
(Includes the one of a kind SA Image Pocket Stylist APP)